
Feoffments and agreements of Feoffees and Twentymen.
Indenture tripartite between:
(1) Sir George Yonge of Escott, John Sampson, Thomas Hoskins and Phillip Mitchell, the surviving feoffees.
(2) Edward Holwell of Sidbury
(3) Sir John de la Pole of Shute house, John Rolle of Tidwell, John Sampson the younger, George Rhodes, Richard Hethersall Hallett of Stedcombe, Clement Drake, Richard Nossiter Burnard of Crewkerne, Samuel Palmer, elected and chosen to be feoffees.

regarding Parish Lands: described with boundaries and current and previous owners form the previous feoffment in 1765. Descriptions of fairs and markets to be held and court of pie powder.

Year: 1791

Pages: 6

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