The churchwardens accounts submitted by William Marwood and John Greene, William Westofer and John Weston, John Carswill and Bernard Gill, Robert Bragge and Joseph Longe, Francis Bagwell and Stephen Byrd, Hugh Buckland and William Stocker, John Tirling and Edward Michell, Ralphe Teape and Gregorie Sampson, Henry Marwood and John Sampson, Thomas Francklyn and Peter Turner, John Newton and John Byrd.
Payment made to “Mr Eedes for ye book of Mr Jowell”, alongside note that says “Got this book to be placed in the Church” and a chain for the same book for fastening it.
Payment made to the Under Sheriff to see “our Charter”.
Repairs for church and bells and payments for the paritor and visitations and fines for drunkeness and absence from church recorded.
Includes note from April the 26th 1743 of items taken out of the parish chamber of Colyton viz a brass corn gallon a brass yard a brass ale quart and pint a brass pound brass half pound and brass quarter of a pound and brass weights a scale for which we whose names are subscribed promise to be accountable
- Abbott
- Addam
- Anscomb
- Applyn
- Bagwell
- Baker
- Balstone
- Bartlett
- Batstone
- Battey
- Bell founder
- Bevys
- Bird
- Bishopp
- Blackaller
- Bodon
- Bondfield
- Bowdige
- Bowdon
- Bragg
- Buckland
- Bucknolle
- Bull
- Burnard
- Butter
- Byrd
- Carpenter
- Carswell
- Carter
- Channon
- Chappell
- Chubb
- Clarke
- Clittery
- Clittorie
- Clode
- Collyer
- Cornell
- Crabbe
- Crocker
- Crosse
- Crutchett
- Daniele
- Daniell
- Dare
- Dassell
- Deane
- Deyman
- Dillyn
- Domett
- Downe
- Drake
- Drewe
- Ebdon
- Edwards
- Eedes
- Eveley
- Everett
- Farrant
- Feoffees
- Flud
- Ford
- Francke
- Francklyn
- Freake
- French
- Fryer
- Gaiche?
- Gilkl
- Gill
- Gille
- Good
- Grace
- Greene
- Ham
- Hamlyn
- Harding
- Harrys
- Hart
- Haydon
- Hayman
- Hewet
- Hill
- Hoare
- Holwill
- Hooke
- Hoop
- Hooper
- Hoppen
- Hopping
- Horwill
- Hoskins
- Howe
- Huddy
- Hull
- Irish men
- Jowell
- Kent
- Kirby
- Knolles
- Lacy
- Lake
- Langhorne
- Lidford
- Lochland
- Lockyer
- Longe
- Lowd
- Lugg
- Lugge
- Macey
- Mallack
- Mallacke
- Manley
- Mannyng
- Marder
- Marler
- Marwood
- Merett
- Merrett
- Mitchell
- Morrys
- Newton
- Norrington
- North
- Owen
- Paige
- Palfrey
- Parish Clerk
- Parlyn
- Parsons
- Peaze
- Penney
- Peryam
- Pey?
- Pinckley
- Pole
- Pooke
- Poole
- Porter
- Pottle
- Pulman
- Pyn
- Quynlyn
- Rawlyn
- Raybone
- Redwood
- Reed
- Repington
- Rode
- Russell
- Rutleigh
- Rutley
- Rutter
- Salter
- Sampford
- Sampson
- Saunder
- Searell
- Seller
- Seward
- Shane
- Sharkle
- Silfester
- Skarr
- Skarre
- Smyth
- Snoadon
- Snooke
- Spiller
- Sprake
- Staneley
- Staple
- Staplehill
- Stephens
- Stile
- Stiles
- Stocker
- Stretchley
- Swayne
- Tampson
- Tann
- Tanner
- Teape
- The Paritor
- Ticken
- Tirell
- Tirling
- Tirlinge
- Tirrell
- Tissard
- Tuck
- Tucke
- Tucker
- Turling
- Turner
- Tutchyn
- Tylman
- Vickarie
- Vye
- Weekes
- Welman
- Westofer
- Weston
- Whicker
- White
- Whitmore
- Willes
- Wiseman -
- Wislade
- Witcomb
- Yartie
- Yeat
- Yonge