
Agreement and articles of covenant made on 25th March in 42nd year of reign of Elizabeth I between
1)the Feoffees: John Weston, Walter Yonge, Robert Carswell, Joseph Carswell, John Reade, Roger Hooper, Robert Bucknoll, John Butter, Hugh Newton, Simon Vye, Stephen Birde and John Marckell
(2) and the twenty men: John Yonge
Fraunces Carswell, George Strobridge, Simon Repington, Edward Lechlande, Peter Blackaller, John Ham, Thomas Hewet, Edward Clarke, William Bucknoll, George Maceye, John Newton, John Buckland, John Maceye, John Newton of Tretchen, Gregory Sampson, William Hooper, Walter Teape, John Tyrlinge, William Michell, John Repington.
Conditions of trusteeship.including appointment of bailiff.

Year: 1600

Pages: 3

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