
  • 1585F_17_16a

    Years: 1888 – 1889

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.. Consultation with Charity Commissioners over bringing a water supply to the town.

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  • 1585F_17_16b

    Years: 1890 – 1891

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Full transcript of report from school inspection.

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  • 1585F_17_16c

    Years: 1891 – 1892

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Report on inspection of Grammar School, including exam results of 31 pupils,; Proposal to install street gas lighting; Legal dispute […]

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  • 1585F_17_16d

    Years: 1892 – 1893

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Including 1891 school report; Ballot of 20 men; Building of Ridgway Reservoir; Waiting County Court decision on Rick Plot ownership.

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  • 1585F_17_16e

    Years: 1893 – 1894

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Contains references to the provision of town lighting, repairs to the town clock, examination of the school. The new Water […]

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  • 1585F_17_16f

    Years: 1894 – 1895

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. It says that allotment holders shall have the “privilege of working on Good Friday”. Many references to water works, conduits, […]

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  • 1585F_17_16g

    Years: 1895 – 1896

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Within these minutes are references to Henry VIII’s Charter that allows the Feoffees to hold Fairs and levy tolls and […]

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  • 1585F_17_16h

    Years: 1896 – 1897

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Re-development of Market House land and new Public Hall discussions.

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  • 1585F_17_16i

    Years: 1897 – 1899

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.

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  • 1585F_17_16j

    Years: 1899 – 1900

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Includes a reference to Mr. MacKaig being given 6 months notice to give up the mastership of the Feoffees’ school […]

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  • 1585F_17_16k

    Years: 1900 – 1901

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.. Including a reference to a distraint levied on Jabez Clarke.

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  • 1585F_17_16l

    Years: 1901 – 1902

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Includes proposed demolition of Chard’s house in Honiton due to it’s dangerous state and rebuilding by Richards. Also committee meets […]

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  • 1585F_17_16m

    Years: 1902 – 1903

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Agreement by ballot to reduce the twentymen to 14.

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  • 1585F_17_16n

    Year: 1903

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Issue of new secondary school under the County Authority raised.

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  • 1585F_17_16o

    Years: 1903 – 1904

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. General business ensued from property rentals, allotments, charitable donations to water supply and real estate purchases. The chamber increased its […]

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  • 1585F_17_16p

    Years: 1904 – 1905

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Large sale of oak trees at Lovehayne. Mentions Ottery’s Pixies Parlour.

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  • 1585F_17_16q

    Year: 1905

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. 10 meetings with number of members present ranging from eight to fifteen. Main concern was the search for a schoolmaster […]

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  • 1585F_17_16r

    Years: 1905 – 1906

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support […]

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  • 1585F_17_16s

    Years: 1906 – 1907

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.Churchwardens accounts of receipts and disbursements from the tithings of Colyton, Watchcombe, Whytwell, Farwood, Woodland and Colyford,made by William Bockwelle and […]

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  • 1585F_17_16t

    Year: 1907

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Provision of Bathing Place; Appointment of members from Parish Council after letter received from Charity commissioners in May 1904 instructing […]

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