
  • 1585F_14_8a

    Year: 1579

    Churchwardens accounts of receipts and disbursements from the tithings of Colyton, Watchcombe, Whytwell, Farwood, Woodland and Colyford,made by William Bockwelle and Robert Dolbere. Expenditure on repairs and maintenance of church, the purchase of wine and bread, the washing of the surplices and purchase of the book of articles following a visitation.

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  • 1585F_14_8b

    Year: 1585

    The accounts of John Serle and Robert Tucker, churchwardens. Receipts and payments listed. Ends with a list of those that owe for graves and burials in the church.

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  • 1585F_14_8c

    Year: 1588

    Churchwardens accounts of receipts and payments made: The accounts of Walter Morris and John Reed of Puddlebrydge. Payments made for wine and for maintenance of the church and for the Bishop’s visitation.

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  • 1585F_14_8d

    Year: 1590

    The accounts of William Bocland and John Vye churchwardens for the year 1590. Accounts record receipts and payments made presented as list of items with names. Payments include wine for communion and burials and maintenance of church.

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  • 1585F_14_8f

    Year: 1597

    The accounts of John Tyrlynge and William Mychell, churchwardens showing receipts and payments made including for bread, wine, candles and cleaning.

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  • 1585F_14_8g

    Years: 1606 – 1614

    Accounts showing receipts and disbursements for Peter Blackaller and John Newton, churchwardens in 1606, buying a cloth to wrap the communion cup. The accounts of George Sampson and John Carswell, churchwardens in 1607, record the significant work on the church roof, involving the felling of 16 oak trees and the purchase of tonnes of lead. […]

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  • 1585F_14_8h

    Year: 1615

    Robert Bragge, churchwarden: his accounts of receipts and payments including money recieved for burials and for a peal rung by the men of Shute. Payment to Spiller the Smith for work on the great bell.

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  • 1585F_14_8i

    Years: 1619 – 1620

    Accounts of receipts and payments made by Raphe Teepe and Gregory Sampson, Churchwardens: includes money received from Allen Abbott, parish bailiffe on behalf of feoffees and twenty men for the visitation, receipts for graves and burials listed,

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  • 1585F_14_8j

    Year: 1683

    The Churchwardens’ accounts of John Hollwell and Thomas Sampson: Payments included money given to help two families who had lost goods when their ships leaked, payment to John Robinson a maimed soldier of the Duke of Monmouth, released slaves and castaways and travellers.

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  • 1585F_14_8k

    Year: 1689

    Account of Richard Newton and John Clapp, churchwardens. Maintenance and repair of church with list of materials bought. Expenses such as work on the bells including payment for the bells rung on the coronation of the king and queen.

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  • 1585F_14_8l

    Year: 1693

    The accounts of churchwardens Francis Bagwell and Robert Baseleigh listing receipts and payments, including donations to travellers and payments to the ringers for ringing on November 5th.

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  • 1585F_14_8m

    Year: 1705

    The acccounts of Thomas Marwood and Richard Stokes, churchwardens payments only. Large numbers of wildlife killed as vermin including an otter. Ringers paid for November 5th.

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  • 1585F_14_8n

    Year: 1715

    Churchwardens’ accounts for receipts and disbursements including the killing of polecats and hedgehogs and the ringing of the church bells for the coronation of George the first.

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  • 1585F_14_8r

    Years: 1683 – 1694

    Receipts signed by Thomas Sampson and Phillip Michell for churchwardens’ account for 1683. John Frooke named as parish Bailiff. Includes payment made to two seamen who had been cast away.

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  • 1585F_14_8t

    Year: 1694

    John Reed ‘s account as churchwarden: House fire in which Froome and his wife and three more were burnt out. Thomas Harvey and his wife and five children supported.

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