
  • 1585F_16_13

    Years: 1618 – 1623

    Inquisition before Sir Edmond Prideaux, Sir William Pole, John Drake and Nicholas Frye under a commission for charitable uses to investigate the execution of a statute issued under Queen Elizabeth I. Reviewing the lands, goods and money paid to the churchwardens for relief of the poor from charitable giving.

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  • 1585F_16_2

    Year: 1540

    Petition to crown for lands in Colyton: including the original grant of Lovehayne. Starts with list of those petitioning the king including Robert Tycon, John Strobridge, Walter Macye.

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  • 1585F_16_23a

    Years: 1839 – 1852

    Correspondence with Sir John Kennaway regarding an alleged encroachment on Colyton Plot, Alphington, near Ottery St. Mary. Receipts and Disbursements for the Colyton Feoffees Property.

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  • 1585F_16_23b

    Years: 1850 – 1852

    Correspondence regarding a dispute over encroachment at Colyton Plot, Alphington near Ottery St. Mary. Correspondence with Sir John Kennaway, Mr. Gidley and Mr. Carter.

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  • 1585F_16_23c

    Year: 1850

    Correspondence with Mr Kennaway respecting encroachment Colyton Plot, alphington near Ottery St Mary : Receipts and Disbursements for the Colyton Feoffees Property 1841.

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  • 1585F_16_24

    Year: 1849

    Agreement with Mrs Eleanor Newton that a linhay she had erected against a wall owned by the feoffees and adjoining one of their properties in Honiton could remain with conditions. Surviving feoffees listed as Frederick Baines of Oxford, Jacob Pady a dissenting minister, John Snook and James Kingdon of London.

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  • 1585F_16_26

    Year: 1861

    Agreement between Feoffees and Charles Skinner, butcher of Honiton for the lease of house with garden, milk house, stable, cow linhay etc. Robert White Higgins bailiff for the feoffees.

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  • 1585F_16_27

    Years: 1862 – 1874

    Accounts, map marked with landowners and altered apportionment concerning purchase of orchard and outbuildings at Colyford from William Scarborough: death certificate of Mary Still (1870): death certificate of Captain Nathaniel Tryon Still (1862): detais of auction of land and apportionment of rent to the feoffees and John Scarborough.

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  • 1585F_16_28a

    Year: 1550

    1804 transcription of the Feoffment dated 1550 in the reign of Edward the sixth. With respect to the granting to John Strobridge of Strethayne, John weston, John Strobridge senior and Walter Carpynter of the fairs, markets, shambles, the church house, Lovehayne, Buddleshaies etc. Also Kyngesdon west and Calesdown chapel. Court of pie powder.

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