
  • 1585F_17_11bb

    Years: 1888 – 1899

    Colyton Chamber of Feoffees Bank books Dorsetshire Bank. Payments to individuals ; also to institutions like Devon and Exeter Hospital, Eye Infirmary, payments of interest on loan.

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  • 1585F_17_11bc

    Years: 1888 – 1907

    Colyton Chamber of Feoffees Bank books Dorsetshire Bank. Payments to individuals; also to institutions like Devon and Exeter Hospital, Eye Infirmary, payments of interest on loan.

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  • 1585F_17_12e

    Year: 1877

    Ridgeway Garden Allotment Rent Book: Committee for inspecting Ridgeway Garden Plots: W. Bartlett, H. Farmer, J. B. Kettle, H. H. Rogers, J. Strawbridge. A list of applications for plots.

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  • 1585F_17_13a

    Years: 1878 – 1883

    Ridgeway Garden Allotment Rent Book: list of rents paid for the Ridgeway Garden Plots giving names of occupants. Plots inspected by Mr W. Bartlett, Mr W. Farmer, Mr J Kettle, W. Rogers, Mr. J. Strawbridge.

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  • 1585F_17_14b

    Years: 1849 – 1868

    Feoffees School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings from 03.08.1868 to 02.12.1850. First page 03.08.1868, then continues from fourth page 01.10.1849 to 02.12.1850

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  • 1585F_17_14c

    Years: 1851 – 1854

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Includes a “comment” column with entries such as: “Warned to come cleaner to school”; Does not cross a t or dot an I”; “by his father to assist in mole catching”. The final comment for August 1854 was “On this exam the Committee feel pleasure in […]

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  • 1585F_17_14e

    Years: 1856 – 1858

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. In Remarks column comments against boys names included:- “for good pronunciation this boy is unequalled in the school”; “Mother confined, Father absent”: mentioned reasons for absence – gleaning following harvest and helping their parents lifting potatoes.

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  • 1585F_17_14f

    Years: 1858 – 1859

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Many absences to plant/take up potatoes; harvesting, scaring birds from newly sown grain; comments included “Copy book slovenly”; “On his admission considered stupid but his progrress has been satisfactory.”; “seriously ill and his return uncertain”.

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  • 1585F_17_14g

    Years: 1859 – 1861

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Includes remarks:- “gone to be Power’s apprentice to learn carpentry”; “Absent for Potato planting”; “absent in the service of the vicar, if he does not remain may return to the school.” “Gone to Bristol”. 2 pupils absent with smallpox. Note:- vaccination against smallpox compulsory from 1853 […]

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  • 1585F_17_14h

    Years: 1849 – 1868

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. “This being Colyton Fair time has caused many boys to be absent. (October)”. “Left and gone to work at Mr Chilcots Coles Mill.”; “Gone to work at the foundry”. “Gone to the National School.”

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