
  • 1585F_14_11bo

    Years: 1814 – 1815

    Payments recorded as monthly lists and annual totals for Thomas Boalch overseer of the poor for Colyford tything, William Ketts for Farwood tything and Richard White for Watchcombe tything. Bastardy payments included. Multiple names entered.

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  • 1585F_14_11bp

    Year: 1815

    Payments recorded as monthly lists and annual totals for John Quicke, acting overseer of the poor for James Anning for the Town tything, for Charles Pavey for the Farway and Woodland tythings and for John Morgan for Watchcombe tything. Bastardy payments included. Multiple names entered.

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  • 1585F_14_11bq

    Years: 1815 – 1816

    Payments recorded as monthly lists and annual totals for John Quicke acting overseer of the poor for Town, Farwood and Watchcombe tythings and for Joel Spiller overseer for Colyford tything. Bastardy payments included. Multiple names entered.

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  • 1585F_14_11br

    Year: 1816

    Payments reocrded as monthly lists and annual totals for Thomas Batstone acting overseers of the poor for the town tything on behalf of Robert Murch. Also for Watchcombe and Farwood tythings. Bastardy payments included. Multiple names entered.

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  • 1585F_14_11bs

    Year: 1816

    Payments recorded as monthly lists and annual totals for Thomas Batstone overseer of the poor for Town, Watchcombe and Farwood tythings. (see also 1585F_14_11br). Also for John Dollings overseer for Colyford tything. Bastard pay included. Multiple names.

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  • 1585F_14_9a

    Years: 1682 – 1683

    Overseers of the Poor; The account of Phillip Michell, churchwarden, Joseph Pitts, Hodges Farrant, Aaron Stocker and John Newton overseers of the poor. List by tything of householders names and amounts due including that owed by unnamed occupiers of named land. Followed by tables of payments made monthly to named individuals and followed by payments […]

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  • 1585F_14_9b

    Years: 1698 – 1699

    The account of Richard Newton and William Peream, churchwardens and Nicholas Clatworthy, John Hawkier, Robert Collyer and Michael Colesworthy overseers for the poor 1698 – 1699. List of the poor people with amounts received and the payments made in sickness, for graves, affadavits as ordered by Parliament, shrouds and ringing. Also for shoes and clothing […]

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  • 1585F_14_9c

    Years: 1639 – 1640

    Extensive lists of a weekly rate made for the relief of the poor made by James Bussell and Ellix Cox, churchwardens, Phillipe Michell, Allen Abbot, John Teape and Francis Lockier overseers of the poor for June 1639 to April 1640, based on the tythings of the parish of Colyton. Lands and occupiers listed. Followed by […]

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