
  • 1585F_17_14b

    Years: 1849 – 1868

    Feoffees School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings from 03.08.1868 to 02.12.1850. First page 03.08.1868, then continues from fourth page 01.10.1849 to 02.12.1850

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  • 1585F_17_14c

    Years: 1851 – 1854

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Includes a “comment” column with entries such as: “Warned to come cleaner to school”; Does not cross a t or dot an I”; “by his father to assist in mole catching”. The final comment for August 1854 was “On this exam the Committee feel pleasure in […]

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  • 1585F_17_14e

    Years: 1856 – 1858

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. In Remarks column comments against boys names included:- “for good pronunciation this boy is unequalled in the school”; “Mother confined, Father absent”: mentioned reasons for absence – gleaning following harvest and helping their parents lifting potatoes.

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  • 1585F_17_14f

    Years: 1858 – 1859

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Many absences to plant/take up potatoes; harvesting, scaring birds from newly sown grain; comments included “Copy book slovenly”; “On his admission considered stupid but his progrress has been satisfactory.”; “seriously ill and his return uncertain”.

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  • 1585F_17_14g

    Years: 1859 – 1861

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Includes remarks:- “gone to be Power’s apprentice to learn carpentry”; “Absent for Potato planting”; “absent in the service of the vicar, if he does not remain may return to the school.” “Gone to Bristol”. 2 pupils absent with smallpox. Note:- vaccination against smallpox compulsory from 1853 […]

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  • 1585F_17_14h

    Years: 1849 – 1868

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. “This being Colyton Fair time has caused many boys to be absent. (October)”. “Left and gone to work at Mr Chilcots Coles Mill.”; “Gone to work at the foundry”. “Gone to the National School.”

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  • 1585F_17_14i

    Years: 1862 – 1864

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Comments included: “The harvest not entirely finished and many boys, pupils at the school, being employed gathering apples consequently there were only 7 boys in attendance this day.” “being sufficiently instructed for his position in life has been dismissed.” “This boy being so exceedingly stupid it […]

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  • 1585F_17_14j

    Years: 1849 – 1868

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings Comments include: much absence due to illness, working, helping parents, planting and picking potatoes, gleaning, “no shoes to go to school”, bad eyes. “At Branscombe with lace work” “Left apprentice to Mr Drower, Taylor” “apprentice to Mr Facey, shoemaker”.

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  • 1585F_17_14k

    Years: 1849 – 1868

    School Register: includes attendance, attainment, examination. School committee meetings. Comments include: Considerable absences, many working with parents,many “no excuse” or ill. “slovenly, idle and dishonest” “working for Mr White, Foundry” “at Sidmouth”: “At Chardstock” “At Branscombe to help his Grandfather”

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  • 1585F_19_9

    Year: 1913

    Proposed alterations and additions to Grammar School: Plan and elevation with specification of work to be carried out, submitted by William A. Richards of Colyton.

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  • 1585F_20_13

    Year: 1905

    Printed copy of the reports made to the Charity Commissioners as the result of an inquiry held in every parish. Complete report containing condition of Feoffees and parish lands and articles. Recites history of feoffment from Edward the Sixth with names and lands and the formation of the twenty men. Under indenture granted in Elizabeth’s […]

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  • 1585F_20_17

    Year: 1912

    Memo of the sending of the lease from Parish Lands Charity trustees to Mr Harvey Sweetland from Lionel H. Mortimer, Solicitor and Commissioner for Oaths.

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