
Accounts showing receipts and disbursements for Peter Blackaller and John Newton, churchwardens in 1606, buying a cloth to wrap the communion cup.
The accounts of George Sampson and John Carswell, churchwardens in 1607, record the significant work on the church roof, involving the felling of 16 oak trees and the purchase of tonnes of lead. In 1608 John Turner and Simon Vye paid for the painting of the pulpit and font.
1610 wardens were Walter Macey and Robert Buckland and in 1611 Robert Farrant and John Sampson were authorised by the feoffees to borrow money for work on the bells using Robert Wiseman, bellfounder.
In 1612 William Marwood and John Greene were wardens and in 1613 it was William Westofer and John Weston when George Pooke was fined for playing fives against the church windows.
1614 John Carswill and Barnard Gyll record a dispute with the wardens of Shute parish.
Other annual expenses included wine or claret and sugar for the preachers.

Years: 1606 – 1614

Pages: 28

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