Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Report on inspection of Grammar School, including exam results of 31 pupils,; Proposal to install street gas lighting; Legal dispute ref Rick Plot; Proposal for water to Town.
- Anning
- bailiff
- Barr
- Barrett
- Bussell
- Cann
- Carnell
- Clarke
- Collier
- Copp
- Counsel
- Danga
- Davey
- Denner
- Drower
- Dummett
- Edmonds
- Edwards
- Every
- Facy
- Farmer
- Feoffees
- Fisher
- Ford
- Forward
- Fowler
- Gas Committee
- Gill
- Governors
- Green
- Guardians
- Gueritz
- Guscott
- Hann
- Harding
- Heathcote
- Hill
- Hoare
- Hooper
- Hopkins
- Judge
- Kettle
- Kingdon
- Kittle
- Local Government Board
- Long
- Luxton
- Mackaig
- Manley
- Mills
- Northcott
- PAge
- Parker
- Perry
- Pike
- Potter
- Pulman
- Purkis
- Purse
- Restorick
- Richards
- Salter
- Sanford
- Scarbrough
- Searle
- Seaward
- Skae
- Smith
- Somers
- Soup Accoiunt
- Spurway
- Stocker
- Stokes
- Stone
- Strawbridge
- Summers
- Suter
- Swain
- Thornhill
- Trott
- Tucker
- Turl
- Turner
- Tweed
- Vallance
- Warren
- Watson
- West
- White
- Williams