
Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Matters arising to provide help to the poor and stationary to the grammar school.
Capt Powell is made treasurer who then died and was replaced as treasurer by Mr. Batstone.
Insurance policies discussed for Trust properties in Colyford and Honiton and matters arising concerning tenants at property in Ottery St. Mary.
Mention of a lake near the square from which undrinkable water was to be piped using lead pipes.
Land required for the Exeter and Yeovil Line was offered for an agreed sum. Enlargement of the Colyton Fair was discussed and permanent dates set for both Spring and Fall Fair.
Mr Charles Chown accused of encroachment upon town and asked to desist.

Years: 1855 – 1857

Pages: 26

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