
  • 1585F_17_7m

    Years: 1848 – 1849

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Declining state of the Market due to too many hawkers and details of the construction of the new Lockup.

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  • 1585F_17_7n

    Years: 1840 – 1849

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. The building of water tanks for fire engines and dealing with Fire Insurance Companies.

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  • 1585F_17_7o

    Years: 1849 – 1851

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. The unlawful diversion of the River Otter and the exchange of various parcels of land belonging to the Feoffees with […]

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  • 1585F_17_7p

    Years: 1851 – 1852

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. There are also references to an outbreak of diphtheria, discussion over the conversion of the Market House into s Free […]

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  • 1585F_17_7q

    Years: 1852 – 1853

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply .This document list the remaining articles in the new Deed of Feoffment and is the final entry in this Minute […]

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  • 1585F_17_7r

    Year: 1853

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Fragments at end of volume.

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  • 1585F_17_8a

    Years: 1853 – 1855

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Also goes over the new Articles of Agreement and looks at Insurances. Includes some dates of death for Feoffees and […]

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  • 1585F_17_8b

    Years: 1855 – 1857

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Matters arising to provide help to the poor and stationary to the grammar school. Capt Powell is made treasurer who […]

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  • 1585F_17_8c

    Years: 1857 – 1859

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. The request to purchase land by the South Western Railway Company for the extension of the Exeter & Yeovil railway. […]

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  • 1585F_17_8d

    Years: 1859 – 1863

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Including discussions on hiring Edward Tett as master of the Feoffees School, aid to the poor, and buildings to be […]

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  • 1585F_17_8e

    Years: 1863 – 1867

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Sale of land at Tye Lane Close to Seaton and Beer Railway Company. George Edwards received assistance to return to […]

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  • 1585F_17_8f

    Years: 1867 – 1871

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Many payments to support poor and needy, purchase of meat and vegetables for soup kitchen. Much sickness and December 1869 […]

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  • 1585F_17_8g

    Years: 1871 – 1874

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. During this period winterweather very bad, entry on page 2 “In consequence of the winter season, great distress is caused […]

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  • 1585F_17_8h

    Years: 1874 – 1875

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Changes discussed and planned for Feoffees School as follows “Resolved that the school be established as a day & boarding […]

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  • 1585F_17_8i

    Year: 1876

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Whole of year spent dealing with complaints against the new Headmaster Rev. H. Dodwell, drunkeness, flogging and unreasonably dismissing boys. […]

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  • 1585F_17_8j

    Year: 1877

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.

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  • 1585F_17_8k

    Years: 1877 – 1879

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.

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  • 1585F_17_8l

    Years: 1879 – 1880

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply. Applications received for position of schoolmaster. Mr Fowler of Cambridge appointed. Mr Fowler’s signed agreement. Six free boys elected. Mr […]

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  • 1585F_17_8m

    Years: 1881 – 1882

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.

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  • 1585F_17_8n

    Year: 1882

    Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.

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