
Detailed minutes of Feoffees chamber meetings. Regular items include: management of land and properties, leases and financial affairs, settlement of disputes, grants, individual gifts and support for local institutions and services like the water supply.Churchwardens accounts of receipts and disbursements from the tithings of Colyton, Watchcombe, Whytwell, Farwood, Woodland and Colyford,made by William Bockwelle and Robert Dolbere. Minutes of 11 Feoffees meetings, with between 10 and 15 members present, agreeing on the appointment of Parish Nurse, to be paid £20 annually; a grant given to the Samson family for emigration to America; and the gas be laid on for further Feoffee meetings. Lease of Pixie’s parlour agreed and intention to enclose Broad Down Common.

Years: 1906 – 1907

Pages: 11

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